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Travel Insurance Policy

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Pretty sure it is safe to say that the travel industry has been seeing a big boom in recent months now that more people are being vaccinated, resulting in an influx of people traveling again. With that in mind, it is immensely important more than ever to have the necessary travel insurance coverage for your trip in the event that any delays or cancellations occur and to protect yourself online as you enter different regions of the US and other countries!
The insurance policy for you is going to be the one that can offer close to the exact coverage you need. Whether you need it or not really depends on the risks you will take.
The amount of money you plan on spending on your trip for non-refundable expenses like airfare, hotels, event tickets, and so on, gives more incentives to get a travel insurance policy.
Here’s a rundown of what you might see in an insurance policy and what you might want to have added.
Insurance Policy
Medical coverage:
If you are an American citizen and plan to travel within the States then your normal medical insurance will be enough to cover you for any health issues you might face. However, the borders of the US are where normal health insurance coverage ends. Fortunately, that is what travel medical insurance is for and maybe a real lifesaver for when you travel to another country.
Be sure you have this included in your policy as the majority of countries do require you have medical coverage before entering their borders.
Canceling a trip:
I’m sure you can think of a million reasons why your trip could be canceled. Be it a health issue, a big project at work, a family emergency, or bad weather. This is where trip cancellation coverage comes in. It can cover you for pre-paid, non-refundable mentioned above, and more. Be sure to review the specifics of the policy you’re considering.
Luggage/Baggage Coverage:
Now here is a situation that at least 99.99% of travelers have found themselves in. There are few things more annoying than getting to your destination and realizing your luggage did not get there with you or ended up at a different airport. Sometimes it poses an inconvenience like losing some clothes or it poses a major problem like if you lose your video equipment if you are a traveling videographer.
Pay attention to this one because some airlines can reimburse you if your luggage is lost forever IF you can show each lost item. However, they won’t reimburse you if they do find the luggage even if it caused you to change your plans. Having baggage insurance will cover you immediately, so you can buy a new camera ASAP for example.

As a quick tip having a travel credit card can allow you to even upgrade your accommodations help cover unforeseen expenses! If you have a card, remember to check in with your credit card company to learn what you can do to rack up as many points as possible. This is a great incentive when trying to build good credit if you think about buying a house one day as well.
Conclusion: While some people may see travel insurance as a needless waste of money, but when traveling puts you in a situation where many things can go wrong one saying comes to mind, “it’s better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it”. We all buy insurance hoping we never have to use it and, if all goes well, in retrospect it may look like we never needed it at all. However, it is better to be safe than sorry.
Be sure to check out this article from who provides even more information on this subject.
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